September 3, 2008

Hold Your Breath

I had a long "to do" list for the summer...but in truth, it was a "want to do" list. And one of the things I wanted to do the most was paint the Great Barrier Reef with the boys. It was the last thing we did before school started. Chase ended up naming it the Yahoo Ocean, the inspiration hit half way through the painting of the blue background. James carefully made sure the humu humu and the parrot fish had all the proper markings (his hiding puffer fish is adorable too). And Grammy ended up doing the majority of the fish.

Here they are swimming with their fish friends. I swam too, jumping in with a shout, "Yahooooo!" I just couldn't resist a refreshing swim in an exotic reef.


barterboutique said...

how long did that take?
all that paint!--you're brave!

Kimmy Sunshine said...

I love it, I want to come for a swim you need to keep this and start a tradition year to year.

brooke said...

Will you teach me how to be a better mom?:)
So creative and fun! I would never think of something like that, much less be able to create it. That is fantastic. I bet your boys had a blast. We miss you guys. It seems like it has been a while.

hannah m said...

Oh, how I love your Yahoo Ocean! I saw it when I dropped off your book - so fun! It makes me look so forward to when Vivian's at the crafty art stage, and it also makes me miss teaching 1st grade (just a little, though :))!

Ann said...

you are literally AMAZING! what a great idea! i love it!

Kyndra said...

I love how painting the GBR was on your summer to-do list. I need to-do lists like yours. I didn't even know that you could put such amazing creativity on a to-do list. I am inspired!!

RATCH said...

Um... you are amazing! Also I have a bone to pick. Next time you come to Utah let me know so that we can see you and your cute kiddos! :)