September 9, 2008

Lazy Susan

I think that one of the greatest inventions ever is the Lazy Susan. It is in the shape of the wheel, but I am certain that wheel has gotten way more attention...rolling around on every car, showing off, frankly. But Susan is much more quiet, humble, really. And now that I am not reaching into the dark and never-ending abyss that is the corner cupboard, but rather spinning Miss Susan to see the baking powder, salt, Nesquick I am happy again. I never loose my dear friend almond extract, now. Thank you, Suze.

But, I think that most people are missing out on how much a Lazy Susan can do. For example, when my kids were little, I had two Lazy Susans in their bedroom. After a move, they were too big for the new cupboards, but I couldn't part with them. After a week or two, they proved to be the best toy we had. It was a toy facilitator. We would line up the Little People, and then spin away. The slow spin keeps the children standing, a fast one sends them flying. And if you put something right in the middle, it will stay put, regardless of how fast you are spinning Susan. I know, you may be wondering if I am being serious, but I am. It is really one of the best toys around - kids would come over just to play with it.

Anyhow, my final thought, why oh why do we call poor Susan lazy? She isn't, plain and simple.

Well, I'm off to spin my Busy Susan.


lynette said...

seriously! did they think that those who use said susan are lazy? i think not! i call us efficient and functional and smart! lazy susan my butt.

hannah m said...

We don't have one - Vince keeps talking about making one (long story) - but I love them and think I need to just buy one. I bet Viv would be tickled pink to play with it!

Carrie Hellewell said...

I JUST bought two lazy Susans to put spices on as well! Now instead of reaching all over the place, I just spin it around and tumeric is right at my fingertips. I agree, they are the best!!

laurel said...

oh I loved that. Avery loved that. thanks for letting us play on your lazy susan's!