September 19, 2008


Awhile back, I offered up a double dare (no slime machine, but still fun). Today, I want to throw out a new one. So, I've decided that Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is quite the under used word. Its the biggest word, we've ever heard...and of course, you should use it carefully because it can change your life...but today I simply dare you to use it. Drop it into a sentence and it will spruce it right up! I double dare you.


maegan said...

HAHAHA...Oh man. I'm almost embarrassed to admit, but believe it or not, I actually had this same thought this week. My use of the word was for the kids one morning when I exclaimed we would have a "supercalifrag... day"! I got some funny looks, and sounded quite precocious indeed. :)

Missi Waldron said...

I took your challenge, Angie, and have to say that my kids thought it was hilarious. Dallin's knee hurt and he was being quite dramatic about it. I asked him to show me where it hurt. As he lifted up his pant leg, I said 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!' (just as dramatic as Dallin was being). He started to laugh and then proceeded to ask what was wrong with me. Thanks for the idea and for helping me distract a 5 year-old in pain :).

angie said...

james just informed me that supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is NOT the longest word we've ever heard, it is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - a lung disease so he tells me!