December 25, 2007

Don't Forget the Reindeer

This year was all about the Reindeer; the boys put out veggies for Rudolph and the gang. And Chase was certain that Santa wanted Soy Milk - like him. I'd like to report that everything was eaten.
Merry Christmas!

December 21, 2007

Henry Theodore Robinson

At the funeral my dad told this story, and I can't help but feel grateful for the wisdom from the story and its metaphor. When my dad was younger he went to shear sheep with his father. After working all day (literally sweating and struggling and wrestling) my dad was able to shear 13 sheep; in the same amount of time my grandpa had sheared 113 sheep--one hundred sheep more. My dad felt timorous with his small offering, but my grandpa cheerfully accepted his part and said, "Well, that's 13 I didn't have to do."

There are times in our life that we have more to give and others we simply have less. When our offering is 13 do we feel ashamed by our part, heaping pressure and judgement upon ourselves? Or do we see it as a vital part; an important part needed to make the whole? At other times, when we offer 113 how do we perceive the smaller offerings? Do we begrudge those who have a smaller part? Do we judge them against ourselves. Or do we take one another's offerings as rich and vital?

I'm thankful for this moment, for my grandpa henry validating my father's offering.

December 20, 2007

Give Aways...

So, I learned about Oneity recently. You can read about them here. But, basically they are a small boutique that gets fabric all over the world, and then gives back to the communities that make the fabric...pretty good.

Anyhow, they've asked me to do occasional book reviews...and this week they are doing give aways. A lot of places do giveaways, but with 450 comments over at Design Mom the chances of being chosen are pretty small. But, very few people know about Oneity so far! So, I just thought I'd share. Because you can't go wrong with cute and free giveaways (a new one tomorrow).
UPDATE 1/3 - They are doing give aways each week - I'm telling you, its so fun to win something!

December 19, 2007

Once there was a Snowman

My Grandpa Henry passed away last week and we all went to Utah for the funeral. Funerals are always such a mix of emotion. Highs and lows, laughter and tears.
One of the highlights was the snow...I'd like to draw your attention to the Dora Boots. I've always said, it takes a real man to wear pink!

December 16, 2007

The Birthday Boy

Every good sports party needs a football cake complete with goal posts and green coconut for grass. And it is requisite that your favorite team (NY Giants) are winning against your least favorite team (SF 49ers).

A party can only be better when you are dressed in your Uncle Ben's XXL jersey, shorts, and hu-normous shoes -- for the sake of relay.

Best friends are a must! Justin on his right and Christian on his left.
Happy 6th Birthday, James!

December 11, 2007

Bookclub Top Five

At book clubs across America, I am sure some of the choicest, strangest, and funniest sentiments are uttered...I am going to share my top five from last night; Letterman style.

5. Women writers write round and flowing, like a uterus...or so says an unnamed professor.
4. As I was filling out papers at the bank with my pregnant tummy and two year old sitting on my lap, they asked my occupation and I answered, "Nothing."
3. Did I spill orange juice? (the answer was no, lactation can just be that fun)
2. Lets go toilet paper his house...with pitchforks and true Medieval style.
1. In response to the infamous Jerry McGuire quote: If he had you at hello, you should run the other way.

December 10, 2007

The Cutest Little Shepherd & Joseph

Little Faces I Love the Mostest

December 6, 2007

Trees, etc.

This morning at James' school, we were being presented to the class. He is sunshiner of the week and got to bring his family today. All of the children were asking us questions. One little boy asked, "What is your favorite tree?" James said redwood without thinking twice. I said any willow; but truthfully need more time to answer such a question. Grammy said oak. And Chase said, "orange." He-Hee, I thought, what's an orange tree. I pictured an orange trunk, well something like this:

but when I went searching for an image of an imaginary orange colored tree, this is what I found:

duh! Of course I know oranges do grow on trees; but that's not what I thought of, at all...well, in my defense, an orange colored tree could be lovely. Sometimes I look straight to the obvious and not beyond.

Do you have a favorite tree? (Is that something people have favorites of, anyway?)

December 5, 2007

I Have a Muscle

I am a rock climber. Ok, that's a little bold. I am more of a rock climbing wannabe. But, in either case, I recently looked down at my bicept and, well...I had one. Its easier to feel than see. But, there in Planet Granite, I saw it. A real live arm muscle. This is new to me and my arms and quite exciting.

But, because no one wants to see pictures of adults in harnesses, I'm posting a picture of cute James recently climbing. Now, he does look cute in a harness!

December 4, 2007

Birthday Blues

So James turns 6 in about a week and a half. I'm blue that he's getting older, but I'm also just blue about the party. He keeps talking about these grand birthday ideas - inviting his whole school class and such. And I'm not really up to a big bash - nor do I want to spend billions on a party. Not to mention the fact I haven't planned anything yet. So, what should I do? Any fun, cheap, semi-social ideas?


I'll admit it, I'm a snoozer, as in someone who doesn't get right up at the sound of an alarm. As in, someone who doesn't pop right up with sunshine in her soul. As in, someone who really shouldn't be talked to until post-shower. It takes a little work to get me going. But, I haven't given up on me.

I think it makes it harder when the laws of nature are againt you...isn't Newton's Third Law of Motion something like: Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Well, I submit, it's true with people. Once I'm going, I'm good. But, the getting going is so tough sometimes.

So, what gets me going...two little voices sweetly pleading for books or cereal. That's the main thing.

But sometimes I feel stuck. For example, someone asked a great question about motivation at Ask Angie. I couldn't even start to think of a response. So, I do what I often do when I am stuck, I ask a friend. In this case I asked my dear friend Hannah to help. She is a wonderful teacher and parent and woman. And she was able to answer the question a way I couldn't, with a perspective I totally needed. And although, I'm not an unmotivated six year old, it really got me thinking. I realized that IDEAS are what inpsire me. And just reading her ideas I was able to think of some myself. Anyhow, you'll really have to read her words because they are beautiful!

December 3, 2007

Call Me Smurfette

I wore bright blue tights yesterday with a simple black dress...and I felt fabulous. I don't know if I looked fabulous, but I've been talking about colored tights all season and I finally worked up the courage to do it! No compliments, but a lot of eye attention (the nice way to say shocked glances).

iTunes - Jason Mraz

Last night I had to find a family picture for James to take to school. The task was much harder than it sounds, much harder than it should be. As I started sifting through pictures, the tears that are always just beneath the surface came. The hard part was that the pictures were all so happy. Times of laughter and goodness. I love what we built...but that didn't prevent the cheating and the pain it still causes me. And although a good angry-chick-song is great to run to...this one captures my sorrow of a good thing lost.

You and I by Jason Mraz

...Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
Others only read of the love,
the love that I love.

See I'm all about them words
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages for words
More words then I had ever heard
And if you could see me now,Oh love, no
You and I, you and I
Not so little you and I anymore, mmm...

And if you could see me now
Well I'm almost finally out of
I'm finally out of
Well I'm almost finally, finally
Well I'm free, oh, I'm ...
I'm almost finally, finally, out of words.

But, if you do know a good angry song, I really do run better...and would love something new!

December 1, 2007

Run, Do Not Walk

I repeat. Run, do not walk to your nearest Trader Joe's. I wasn't in time to try them last year. But now that I have, they are all I can think about. Candy cane cookies - who knew?! Now all I need is a scoop of the seasonal Dreyer's/Eddy's Peppermint ice cream with these cookies crumbled on top. Peppermint Heaven.

November 30, 2007

2, 4, 6, 8...

Who do we appreciate?
The Jay Hawks, (clap, clap) The Jay Hawks!

Now, you may be wondering if there is a real school in Arizona that is referred to as the The Jay Hawks. The answer is no. But, after watching a few college football games he came to me with an idea,

"Mom, can we make up our own colleges? You know, with posters so that people will want to come to our school?"

"Sure, James, that's a great idea. Can we work on something together, though?"

"Okay. I'm going to make the sports poster for the Arizona Jay Hawks. You make a list of all the classes...make 'em hard, mom, because, you know, college is a higher level of learning."

A higher level of learning? I think this kid has seen one too many a college commercial. Every Saturday he has a new school he has to go to (and we don't watch that much football). So far he wants to go to: Duke, Stanford, BYU, Kansas (the real Jay Hawks), and Marquette (he wants to be a Golden Eagle). The mascots are big deciding factors - and why not decide your college based on what costumed creature will be energizing your cheers...and fears, for that matter.

November 29, 2007


i wish i could dance, but know that i can't. but, watching these people perform makes me want to get up and shake my groove thang. i missed them on tour last year, but not this year!

i only recorded a part of the dance, but its Hawk, Sarah, and Dominic doing a choreographed break dance routine...

November 21, 2007

I am Thankful for Verbs

For my birthday, I got a new camera that can actually capture action! So, here are my boys in full action at the Marine Reserve. And speaking of action, I'd like to wish you a Holiday full of some of my favorite verbs:

cooking, eating, laughing, smiling, hugging, helping, greeting, sauteing, reuniting, smelling, stirring, sipping, story-telling, and of course more eating

November 19, 2007

Think, Think, Think

I can't stop thinking about a recent article in the National Geographic. Joshua Foer explores memory and raises a serious question...

He suggests that "over the past millennuim, many of us have undergone a profound shift. We've gradually replaced our internal memory with what psychologists refer to as external memory, a vast superstructure of techonolgical crutches that we've invented so that we don't have to store information in our brains." Everything from computers, to calendars, to post-its allow us to remember awfully little.

I think he's got a point...I can still remember the phone numbers of girls I would call in eighth grade; but I've got no clue what my sisters' cell numbers are right now. The numbers are happily programmed into my phone; safely stored so that I don't have to use my head.

The great storytellers, like Homer, memorized the epics Iliad and Odyssey. I, quite frankly, don't think I could retell Goodnight Moon without forgetting the mittens or possibly the kittens.

And while I may remember every detail of this week's Gossip Girl, I can't possibly remember my own drama. The stories of who I am: freshman year antics, high school pranks, and even early mothering moments. Hearing things I said or did seem distant; familiar, but oddly separate sometimes.

I guess I am making a plea to myself. To stretch my brain. Realize that I have to make an effort to remember. That my re-remembering is up to me. And that ultimately "in the archives of [our] brain, our lives linger or disapper."

In the words of Winnie the Pooh: Think, think, think, think...and I just may memorize a phone number this week - to see if I still can!

Sculpture: The Thinker by Auguste Rodin

November 15, 2007

The Return of Mr. Potato

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who loved potatoes. He would eat potatoes. He would pile potatoes. He would mash potatoes.

On one crisp fall day, he found himself in tears. Books couldn't soothe him, cars and trucks couldn't soothe him, not even Thomas the famous Train could soothe him.

Fortunately, his mother had a bright idea. She remembered another very desperately sad day and the solution then. Could it work again? Certainly it couldn't. Or could it?

She tried. And taking Mr. Potato into the shower to wash and cradle and care for was the answer, again. So, here's to the little boy who loves potatoes so much he actually bathes with them.

The End.

Click here to see what happened last time.

November 14, 2007

Bravo for Bravo

Tonight the new season of Project Runway starts! I just can't wait - I've missed my weekly dose of design and drama. All I can say is, it's about time. I think they reran each season 9-10 times. Hooray for a breath of fresh fabric air!

(Oh, the sketches are Laura's - she wasn't my favorite designer, but she uses more color in her sketches than some of the others)

Barefoot at Bookclub

We read the play Barefoot in the Park for bookclub...and we discussed the Twilight Series to get it out of the system. But, let me just tell you that when I went to snap this photo (after noticing that most people were barefooted), the laments of chipped nail polish and unmanicured toes filled the room. Isn't it funny that we can feel silly about the silliest things. No one will even know whose toes are whose - but somehow we seem to care just enough...
At the end of the night I had a full stomach and a lighter heart. I just love chit-chatting and bookclubs.

November 13, 2007

Should I or Shouldn't I?

Someone recently asked me to do the flowers for her wedding...

I've done two wedding this year, but just for fun and favors. No one paid me - I just got to play flower shop. And truth be told, I'm getting all the credit but my mom deserves much of it.

So, here's the question: should I do it?

I've never done the boutonnieres (and I told her that). I'm not professional - opinionated and fine taste, yes - but professional I am not.

I am very good with my use of curly willow.

Oh, and she wants all green flowers - which would be a dream.
I don't know.

But, it's a pretty tough scene to fail at...

November 12, 2007

November 11, 2007

I Did It!

My first half marathon!

November 9, 2007

And They're Off

Wish me luck. My Asics and I are off to run the Big Sur Half Marathon I signed up for (I'm wondering why at about this moment). Anyhow, I'm about to be left in the dust by my sister, brother, brother's girlfriend, and father. My only goal: to finish.

November 7, 2007

Seniors Rule!

I met with some friends over burgers and fries. And chit-chatting with my high school friends, prompted something unexpected. I got out my high school yearbook and read the old notes. That's right - I walked down memory lane. And suddenly, a decade doesn't seem so far gone. The silliness still bubbles from within and I certainly haven't gotten any taller. I even examined the yearbook page we made with our memories -- and what memories. So many firsts.

Of course, now there are new and bigger trials; fragile babies, lost love, and future uncertainty. But, there is hope too. I admire these women and feel glad to know them; then and now.

November 2, 2007

Goodbye, Cheese House

Misty water-colored memories of the way we were...

When we went to The Village Cheese House yesterday to buy our old-fashioned turkey sandwiches on light rye, the owner told us that it was the last day...and with a bit of a stutter, I said, "Bbbbut your signs all say that you are remodeling."

"Well, the new owners didn't want the community to get upset or really even know."

"The new owners?!! Are they going to keep the imported chocolate treats? Are they going to make the sandwiches the same? Are they going to change the decor?"

"They have to keep the name the same, and the sandwiches."

But, with a shift in ambiance, I doubt the sandwiches will taste the same. I met the new owners and they miss the European flair and roots. I'm sorry, but uptight and snobby jeans just isn't the Cheese House style. Its closed until February. And the other people in the store and I were near tears (no joke). I am so sad about this. The Cheese House is just a part of Palo Alto - the part with character and yumminess.

I feel like I have been mourning so many of my lost dreams and hopes lately, that I just don't want to have to mourn my sandwiches. And if you think I am being facetious, I'm not. The Cheese House is the kind of place you miss when you are away, and think of it fondly every minute until you return.

Goodbye, Cheese House and the yummiest sandwiches I've known.

October 31, 2007


James filled our windows with a graveyard of tombs...
Rest in Peace
Hannah Witchkins
Drowned in her Soup
Chase Ghoster
Got Tackled too Hard
James McWolf
Swallowed Nuclear Waste
Diggery Gholin
His Fake Teeth Bit him to Death
Justin Goulin
Ran into a Tree

October 29, 2007

To the Fullest

I have a favorite children's illustrator - her art is clearly not childish - delicate and moving are better words to describe Lisbeth Zwerger's creations. I was recently given The Selfish Giant by a woman I admire, but hardly know. What a gift. How can someone who doesn't know you give you the perfect treasure? I don't understand it - but I know that I want to be like this woman. Her husband passed away ten years ago and yet she seems to thrive and quietly enjoy life. I don't know much, but she is an inspiration. A piece of me wants to keep gathering and quietly collecting these books as a reminder of a goodness I can't describe, but I feel so deeply.

October 25, 2007

Naughty & Nice

I know that Santa's making a list and checking it twice. And I'm really concerned for my naughty child right now. He threw the remote at the nice one...and he's now sporting quite the shiner. Poor kid - as if being sick wasn't enough.

It's a good thing I can answer parenting questions as Ask Miss Angie - seeing as I have the perfect kids and all, oh wait...

October 24, 2007

The Fires

I can't stop thinking about the wildfires and how many people have been affected. Over a million people have been evacuated. That is so many...I can't honestly comprehend the big numbers - but it seems as if though everyone knows someone leaving or struggling with the air quality. So, it makes it personal. Be safe and careful.

October 21, 2007


The pumpkin patches are all about the extras these days...the pumpkins aren't enough to draw the biggest crowds. It has to be pumpkins and hay rides...pumpkins and pony rides...or the extra that my boys have fallen for is the pumpkins and oversized bouncy slide! It is amazingly fast and fun - I can't blame them. But, the orange pumpkin will always be enough for me. Oh, bright orange pumpkin, I love you.

October 19, 2007

Tally: II

That's right. The tally is at two. Two times. Two different dreams. Two different nights.

I have now dreamt about Kate Middleton twice. That's right, according to my dreams, she and I are becoming fast friends. I guess that's the logical step when your sister is going to marry her soon-to-be brother-in-law. (Abbie, I can only assume this means you. You'll have to keep your eye open for Harry while you are studying in London in January...he's apparently in your future).

Who could have guessed it? Kate and I best friends? Her accent is delightful - she's so easy to talk to. But, someone is going to have to break the news to Brittney (about five years back, Brittney starred in several of my dreams where we were also best friends). Its been hard with her partying lifestyle - so I have to say that Kate is a much better fit.

{Kate Middleton has been dating Prince William for quite sometime now (with a small break) - just in case you live under a rock and didn't know...or more likely, just don't care (audible gasp)}

October 18, 2007

Hola Con Cinco

The word water is a hard one for Chase to say...but for some reason agua is much easier. In fact, Chase will attempt saying any Spanish phrase you throw at him. And lately, he even babbles in Spanish (probably thanks to Dora). "Hola Con Cinco" is his own made-up phrase. And I don't know what "Hi with Five" means - but it fun to say. It works for anything. In fact, I'd like to wish you all day filled with Hola Con Cinco!

Update: maybe it wasn't appropriate to wish you an Hola Con Cino, because earlier today Chase saw an holaconcinco truck. Its a shapeshifting word - so beware.

October 17, 2007

Endorphins and More Endorphins

I signed up to run the Big Sur Half Marathon and its less than a month away. Consequently, my runs have taken on a new sense of urgency. In truth, running is one of my main coping mechanisms right now. So, as I head out on a run and feel like stopping, I think to myself, "You know you need more endorphins, Ang." And I couldn't agree with myself more. So, I'm not saying I'll make it...but I am sweating enough to hope that I will.

PS. Map My Run has changed my life. After each run, I carefully plot out where I went to see my mileage and even elevation. Its awesome - and I don't have to sign in to do it!

October 15, 2007

Choose Carefully...

...your words that is.

I overheard my mother getting my kids dressed the other day and sank when these words came out of her mouth,"Get your panties and stockings on." Now, let me remind you that I have two boys and that the thought of them putting panties and stockings on is horrifying; mostly because I think of this...

She assures me that it is generational, and that there is nothing better than "big boy panties." I respectfully disagree, and think that there is something better. In truth, anything is better than using the word panties and stockings - because they aren't girls. So, as the debate rages, I will be calling them socks and underwear (and maybe unders occasionally).

October 14, 2007


I feel like I have been able to attend my own funeral - the kind words that people sometimes save for the end of life, I got to hear in the midst of it. Thank you, all, my words aren't enough to say thank you - you'll have to trust me.

But on the funeral note, I realized the only thing missing from an actual funeral is the music - so I've thought long and hard and think that I want this to play at my funeral (I am not being morbid - again, just trust me).

To Where You Are by Josh Groban
Who can say for certain
Maybe youre still here
I feel you all around me
Your memories so clear
Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
Youre still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know youre there
A breath aways not far
To where you are
Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isnt faith believing
All power cant be seen
Asmy heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
cause you are mine
Forever love
Watching me from up above
And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave

October 11, 2007

Happy Birthday! love, from all of us

Happy Birthday to Angie! And thank you to everyone who contributed to our big, love-collage of Angie goodness. it has been fun to see her through your eyes. Here are some of the words that represent Angie to her family and friends.

patience sweet listening perspective mother mom smile laugh love James thank you delicious food grass Chase family gospel soccer traveling road trip kids baby children college Provo BYU New York City Salt Lake City games wisdom dance dancing sing cookies chicken salad butter treats learning excitement mischief cheerful outward-looking selfless imaginative worry cry play hair friends big eyes comfort capable art books hear note fabulous polka-dot silly respect awesome prayers city real primary fun floor London ideas story gymnastics partner tricks beautiful apartment kitchen home nursery church phone emergency creativity music infectious laugh calming amazing learn read letter toys homemade educate competitive feel support relationship walk talk blessed bright help inspire good friend

October 10, 2007

love, from Pat

Name: Pat Robinson, Angie's brother

Said in short, Angie is blessed with the patience of an angel and I look to her in every way to better my life and relationships. You can't mistake her smile, and when I am with her I can truly be myself.

love, from Annie

Name: Annie Titera
Known Angie for: 4 years
Met her: in NYC

I distinctly remember the first time that I met Angie. It was a Fast and Testimony meeting at Church and she was sitting behind us. Angie got up to bear her testimony and sweet, little James did not want mommy to go. Mom bore a beautiful testimony, returned to her seat, and got a warm hug from James. I thought to myself, that must be a great mom!

Little did I know what a great mom she was. I wish that I would have gleaned more of her knowledge when I had her right next to me. What was I thinking? :)

Most of my memories of Angie are at book club. She always had such insightful comments and ones that always made me think that I was just scratching the surface. I remember one book club at Elise's place (if you were there, you remember this one). After listening to Angie, I just remember thinking what a great perspective she had and how selfless she truly was and hoping that those around her knew how lucky they were. I left wanting to be a better wife and person.

love, from Megan

Name: Megan Dalling
Has known Angie: since November 2004 - when we moved right next door in NYC
Met her: at MinD Jensen's baby shower

The first thing I remember about Angie is her genuine smile and laugh. You knew everything she said was sincere and that she cared about you.

I remember Angie playing all sorts of make-believe games with James. Angie sending James to do different "maintenance" tasks via their "walkie talkies" was a favorite. Through that simple game I learned you could have fun with your child with simple things you see every day. How clever!

I remember Angie bringing over an extra blueberry scone she made one morning after seeing it on the food network. So yummy, so nice, and it totally made my day.

I remember Angie being the perfect friend I was supposed to have next door when my world fell apart. I know we were neighbors for a reason and she was an angel sent to support me at that time. Thank you Angie, and I wish I could be there for you now.

love, from Meridian

Name: Meridian
Hs known Angie: 4 years
Met her: At her apartment around 7200 South in SLC

I remember a time when I came back from playing an all-day volleyball tournament. I had played in barefeet and at the end of the day everyone realized that the grass we were playing on was full of microscopic splinters. On the way home my feet began to really hurt, and by the time I got home after 2 hours of driving I could barely walk. I decided to go over to the Robinson's and of course Angie asked me what was wrong. By the time I had finished the story she pulled lotion, tweezers and other splinter removing supplies seemingly out of her pocket. She worked on my feet steadily for a good hour+ and brought my feet back from the dead. All along smiling and chatting as though this was a regular activity.

I love Angie almost as much as she loves Gelato :)

love, from Ben

Name: Ben Robinson
Has known Angie for: 22 years, 4 months, and 25 days
Met her: Never met her - she's always been a part of who I am

I remember:
Her taking me to my first high school basketball game. I still remember #5 was really good.

Her coaching my soccer team and making me embarrassed while doing the "butterfly stretch."

Driving to Utah with her and memorizing the Blues Travelers' "Hook."

When I was going to the hospital yet again (approx. age 9) for an infection and she gave me a lucky marble, which I still have. It got me through the night.

Begging her for the GOOD leotard before Pat got it again.

Driving with the family to drop her off at college and thinking how long a person could possibly cry for.

When she helped move me in at BYU, trying to find where my class in the SLCE building was (it ended up being in Salt Lake if you're curious).

Most of all I remember always knowing that she would be there for me no matter what.

love, from Emily

Name: Emily, Angie’s sister

I remember that I wanted to be Angie from the moment I realized I wasn’t her. And now that we are older and we simply talk every day I still endeavor to be like her in so many ways: her strength, her patience, her wisdom, her joys, her excitements, her love, her intuition, her leadership, her comfort in herself, her creativity, her passion, her beauty.

I remember that when something fabulous happens in my life I call Angie. When something heartbreaking happens, I call Angie. When I don’t know how to spell a word, I call Angie. When I feel anxious and don’t know why, I call Angie. I remember that anytime we say our goodbyes I am brave and then I cry and cry and cry.

I remember Angie is always our ringleader--Double Dare in the backyard, our black berry adventures, playing mansion in the backyard where we have to drive from room to room. Waffelblock sculptures including the car in our front room. All Mother’s Day /Fathers Day breakfasts in bed. (Even ABC’s of wedding?) And as we have gotten older we all automatically turn to our Ang. Are we going to have fun at the beach? Are we going to the farmer's market? I remember that everything is better if Angie is around.

I remember singing for hours to “See me run . . . running around in circles . . .” Evita, “Another Suitcase on Another Hall” Les Miserable, “On My Own” (mostly sitting on the theater).

I remember putting on shows--Shows on the fireplace, shows on the swing set, and shows on the front grass. We needed boys to dip us and spin us, so we convinced Ben and Pat to put on leotards and join in. (From then on out, Ben was appointed Angie’s, Pat mine.)

I remember Angie loves shoes. One of her first favorites were those red rainbowish fabric striped ones.

I remember Angie went through a stage her freshman year of college were she had recurring dreams about Britney Spears.

I remember that Angie ate cheese sandwiches for an entire year until she moved to New York. I remember that Angie makes cookies almost every day, this might be the best thing about her.

I remember that Lynette and I threw Angie a surprise baby shower and I was in charge of the food. I told Angie about the shower. One thing led to another, and she made all the food for her own surprise baby shower. (The one thing leading to another was me asking) Amongst other things she made her chicken salad, and a divine cranberry salad that everyone raved about. When people kept telling me what an amazing cook I was, and they needed the recipe, we exchanged hidden smiles and I went along with it all.

I remember watching Angie drive up to my house with two Gerbera daisies and a note on one of my saddest days. Her encouragement is constant.

I remember sitting down often with Angie for help. To map out my life, math, boys, where to live, how much butter, what kind of butter--salted or unsalted?

I remember that I never laugh like I do with Angie. Her laugh is contagious.

I remember Angie loves the Gospel, and shares her love often. Her love shines from her in all she says and does. I remember the first person I call after every session of General Conference is Angie.

I remember Angie goes to bed thinking about how she can be a better mom. Thinking about what she can do with her James and her Chase tomorrow. I remember Angie learned with James at a young age that if she went into his room and saw him standing in his crib and said, “Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!” Her tone so excited and so cheerful, then the entire day was brighter. The tradition has not stopped.

October 9, 2007

love, from Laurel

Name: Laurel
Met Angie: 4 years ago when she moved to NYC

I remember the first time Angie had us over for dinner. She made a roast and mashed potatoes. It felt like home.

I remember being able to call Angie on any lazy afternoon and she would let us come play in her apartment. She'd bring out boxes of toys and we'd just talk and laugh for hours.

I remember Angie's advice, tips, truths.

I remember finding out that, like me, Angie likes to look over a restaurant's menu before agreeing to eat there.

I remember yummy treats, cookies, soups, casseroles, breads...always something baking away in her kitchen! I was lucky to be sent home with these tasty things often.

I remember listening to Angie tell stories to James and Chase on long walks around the city. I remember thinking that I could never come up with such imaginative tales!

I remember being with Angie during one of her most sad and difficult moments and hearing her thank her Heavenly Father for the joys in her life and for her friends. What an amazing example.

I remember that Angie is someone who wants to see Step Up in the theater with you and get together weekly for So You Think You Can Dance. She will laugh and cry and obsess over Travis and Allison, too.

I remember spending the most fun day with her in her hometown in California.I remember that Angie worries and cares about other people, so much more than herself.

love, from Abbie

Name: Abbie Robinson
Known Angie for: 20 years

I remember getting the cutest letters from my older sister at college and feeling like she really cared about me. She always knows how to make you feel loved.

I remember her wise words in times of need.

I remember the constant support she has shown.

I remember Angie's long hair in high school just praying that I could grow mine as long and beautiful one day.

I remember following in her footsteps along so many paths of life.

I remember hiking in Hawaii when Angie had Chase on her back and thinking that one day I want to be a mom like her.

I remember always needing her approval because she is the end-all be-all to a little sister.

I remember getting in bickering fights about who was right over trivial things, then always laughing at the end.

I remember that Angie is the best liar in the world when you play mafia, it almost makes me a little nervous.

She contributed the needed enthusiasm whenever we would play family games, she always came up with the cleverest answers.

I remember visiting her at her different apartments and being wowed that she could make such a small place so beautiful.

I remember Angie making mixed tapes with such timeless music! Man, Garth Brooks was cool!

love, from Marci

Name: Marci Kiehl
Has known Angie for: a little over 2 years.
Met her: my first Sunday at church as I helped my kids find their new classes in Primary. It was in July when everyone was out of town, there were no children and no teachers, and Angie was a one-woman show! I guess that could be an "I remember sentence!"

I remember when Angie and Rebecca took me to the NJ Target for the first time and Angie taught me about "NO TOUCH elevators. We have adopted that phrase in our family and think of Angie every time we say it.

I remember when Angie and I went to the US Open to drool over the cute tennis players. She was in heaven watching her man "Hewitt" play. Those boys have muscles! I remember how we had to stop chatting and giggling because tennis is a "quiet" sport. I will always remember the kindness, selflessness, and love that Angie has for all of her friends

October 8, 2007

love, from Mom

Angela - of the big, beautiful eyes, full of wisdom almost from birth, has always been my sunshine. Once when she was just past a newborn, I had a horrible experience and sat sobbing in despair as I rocked her. Gradually I noticed her cooing with great earnestness in my direction. At first I was somewhat stunned because she had never cooed before and she had never been able to focus her eyes this long at any one object. Her eyes, never parting from mine, penetrated to my soul, and peace filled my emptiness as she continued to softly coo. Was it possible that a newborn could actually be comforting her mother? Her eyes had the wisdom of years greater than this earth life, and I felt as if I was holding my superior in age and wisdom, but just in the guise of a baby. Never again in her babyhood did anything of this kind reoccur, but it didn't matter, for I had seen this beautiful girl's eternal soul and I knew I had been granted the gift of raising her to adulthood when she would shed her warmth and wisdom on many as needy as I.

Angela - the mom. As you can imagine from this last story, Angela had a wisdom beyond her years, and a confidence. She took the mom role in our house from a young age, because frankly, she did it the best sometimes. Angela always spoke up when friends or others would take the Lord's name in vain, or do anything else she deemed unseemly. She was so good at this that I soon would use her as my scapegoat, 'cause I was a fraidy cat. Example: Pat's friends are in the house and some of them are using swear words. I call Angie in, explain the situation and send her to handle those terrifying six-year old boys. So my 12 yr. old would march in, gain control of the situation, lovingly chastise, and leave them with the codicil that she would return. This and scenes similar were played out several times through the years from the time Angela was about 6 yrs old. A very capable six.

But what this is all leading up to is this - Angela is perhaps the most amazing mother I have ever been around. Her tone of voice, her wisdom, her different teaching methods, her conflict resolution, her well thought-out approaches, all blow me away. I am in awe. I am humbled. I am so proud. And I am so blessed because I continue to learn daily from her. When I see her with her children, I see the most beautiful woman I know.

October 7, 2007

love, from Mackenzie

Name: Mackenzie Brasher
Has known Angie since: I moved to NYC 5 years ago
Met her: at church

I remember when I first met Angie and she was the kindest person I had ever met. She was smiling (of course!) and took the time to make me feel welcome in a new place.

I also remember a time that I needed advice on my son's crazy sleeping and I sent her an email because I had heard that she was "the" person to ask about kid stuff. Instead of writing me back a short email, she called me and talked to me for almost
an hour about it. It was just what I needed.

I remember the first time I went to her apartment and displayed on the outside of her front door were the art projects that James had created that week. And I also
remember one of the first times I saw her interact with James (before Chase was born). She talked to him like a person (unlike how I see so many people in the city talk to their children) and it definitely inspired me to be a kinder, gentler, more patient and more loving mother.

October 6, 2007

love, from Ann

Name: Ann Burningham
Has known Angie: 9 years
Met her: in Provo, UT

I remember Angie dressing up as Ginger spice for Halloween one year and turning her whole face, neck, arms and hands pink by the end of the night.

I remember having a pinata for her 22nd birthday.

I remember laughing with Angie...a lot!

I remember having long talks on her big bed and sometimes 'sleeping over.'

I remember being an 'old married couple' with Angie twice. Once in Provo: we'd give each other rides to and from campus (which was about 4 blocks away); we'd call each other from my upstairs room to her basement room using walkie talkies to say 'goodnight.' And again in California: car pooling her brothers and sisters to and from school and other errands.

I remember riding horses in Wyoming and Angie was 'being big' so the horses would be afraid of her and head to the corral.

I remember hiding chocolate chips all over the kitchen.

I remember mischief...lots and lots of mischief.

I remember driving over an hour to a wedding on empty stomachs only to be greeted with ...water. And while driving to and from the wedding, learning to sing parts to Aladdin's' "A Whole New World."

I remember lots of road trips: Las Vegas-several times; LA; Yosemite.

I remember 'saving' jelly fish at Half Moon Bay-only to have the poor things ripped in half by the sticks we were using to fling them back into the ocean because we were too scared to touch them.

I remember always wanting to call Angie when things were hard for me. She always reminded me of who I am and what my talents are and reminded me to always remember my gifts from my Heavenly Father. She loves me unconditionally and is completely free of judgement. She has inspired me to take chances. She has taught me so much about the Gospel. She has taught me how to be a good friend. I always say 'Angie knows me better than I know myself' and it's so true! She always knows exactly what I need to hear.

I love you, Angie!!

Do you have an "I remember" about Angie? Photos, images, videos accepted, too! Email