October 31, 2007
October 29, 2007
To the Fullest
October 25, 2007
Naughty & Nice
I know that Santa's making a list and checking it twice. And I'm really concerned for my naughty child right now. He threw the remote at the nice one...and he's now sporting quite the shiner. Poor kid - as if being sick wasn't enough.
It's a good thing I can answer parenting questions as Ask Miss Angie - seeing as I have the perfect kids and all, oh wait...
October 24, 2007
The Fires
October 21, 2007
The pumpkin patches are all about the extras these days...the pumpkins aren't enough to draw the biggest crowds. It has to be pumpkins and hay rides...pumpkins and pony rides...or the extra that my boys have fallen for is the pumpkins and oversized bouncy slide! It is amazingly fast and fun - I can't blame them. But, the orange pumpkin will always be enough for me. Oh, bright orange pumpkin, I love you.
October 19, 2007
Tally: II
That's right. The tally is at two. Two times. Two different dreams. Two different nights.
I have now dreamt about Kate Middleton twice. That's right, according to my dreams, she and I are becoming fast friends. I guess that's the logical step when your sister is going to marry her soon-to-be brother-in-law. (Abbie, I can only assume this means you. You'll have to keep your eye open for Harry while you are studying in London in January...he's apparently in your future).
Who could have guessed it? Kate and I best friends? Her accent is delightful - she's so easy to talk to. But, someone is going to have to break the news to Brittney (about five years back, Brittney starred in several of my dreams where we were also best friends). Its been hard with her partying lifestyle - so I have to say that Kate is a much better fit.
{Kate Middleton has been dating Prince William for quite sometime now (with a small break) - just in case you live under a rock and didn't know...or more likely, just don't care (audible gasp)}
October 18, 2007
Hola Con Cinco
The word water is a hard one for Chase to say...but for some reason agua is much easier. In fact, Chase will attempt saying any Spanish phrase you throw at him. And lately, he even babbles in Spanish (probably thanks to Dora). "Hola Con Cinco" is his own made-up phrase. And I don't know what "Hi with Five" means - but it fun to say. It works for anything. In fact, I'd like to wish you all day filled with Hola Con Cinco!
Update: maybe it wasn't appropriate to wish you an Hola Con Cino, because earlier today Chase saw an holaconcinco truck. Its a shapeshifting word - so beware.
October 17, 2007
Endorphins and More Endorphins
PS. Map My Run has changed my life. After each run, I carefully plot out where I went to see my mileage and even elevation. Its awesome - and I don't have to sign in to do it!
October 15, 2007
Choose Carefully...
...your words that is.
I overheard my mother getting my kids dressed the other day and sank when these words came out of her mouth,"Get your panties and stockings on." Now, let me remind you that I have two boys and that the thought of them putting panties and stockings on is horrifying; mostly because I think of this...
October 14, 2007
I feel like I have been able to attend my own funeral - the kind words that people sometimes save for the end of life, I got to hear in the midst of it. Thank you, all, my words aren't enough to say thank you - you'll have to trust me.
But on the funeral note, I realized the only thing missing from an actual funeral is the music - so I've thought long and hard and think that I want this to play at my funeral (I am not being morbid - again, just trust me).
To Where You Are by Josh Groban
Who can say for certain
Maybe youre still here
I feel you all around me
Your memories so clear
Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
Youre still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know youre there
A breath aways not far
To where you are
Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isnt faith believing
All power cant be seen
Asmy heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
cause you are mine
Forever love
Watching me from up above
And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave
October 11, 2007
Happy Birthday! love, from all of us
October 10, 2007
love, from Pat
Name: Pat Robinson, Angie's brother
Said in short, Angie is blessed with the patience of an angel and I look to her in every way to better my life and relationships. You can't mistake her smile, and when I am with her I can truly be myself.
love, from Annie
Name: Annie Titera
Known Angie for: 4 years
Met her: in NYC
I distinctly remember the first time that I met Angie. It was a Fast and Testimony meeting at Church and she was sitting behind us. Angie got up to bear her testimony and sweet, little James did not want mommy to go. Mom bore a beautiful testimony, returned to her seat, and got a warm hug from James. I thought to myself, that must be a great mom!
Little did I know what a great mom she was. I wish that I would have gleaned more of her knowledge when I had her right next to me. What was I thinking? :)
Most of my memories of Angie are at book club. She always had such insightful comments and ones that always made me think that I was just scratching the surface. I remember one book club at Elise's place (if you were there, you remember this one). After listening to Angie, I just remember thinking what a great perspective she had and how selfless she truly was and hoping that those around her knew how lucky they were. I left wanting to be a better wife and person.
love, from Megan
Name: Megan Dalling
Has known Angie: since November 2004 - when we moved right next door in NYC
Met her: at MinD Jensen's baby shower
The first thing I remember about Angie is her genuine smile and laugh. You knew everything she said was sincere and that she cared about you.
I remember Angie playing all sorts of make-believe games with James. Angie sending James to do different "maintenance" tasks via their "walkie talkies" was a favorite. Through that simple game I learned you could have fun with your child with simple things you see every day. How clever!
I remember Angie bringing over an extra blueberry scone she made one morning after seeing it on the food network. So yummy, so nice, and it totally made my day.
I remember Angie being the perfect friend I was supposed to have next door when my world fell apart. I know we were neighbors for a reason and she was an angel sent to support me at that time. Thank you Angie, and I wish I could be there for you now.
love, from Meridian
Name: Meridian
Hs known Angie: 4 years
Met her: At her apartment around 7200 South in SLC
I remember a time when I came back from playing an all-day volleyball tournament. I had played in barefeet and at the end of the day everyone realized that the grass we were playing on was full of microscopic splinters. On the way home my feet began to really hurt, and by the time I got home after 2 hours of driving I could barely walk. I decided to go over to the Robinson's and of course Angie asked me what was wrong. By the time I had finished the story she pulled lotion, tweezers and other splinter removing supplies seemingly out of her pocket. She worked on my feet steadily for a good hour+ and brought my feet back from the dead. All along smiling and chatting as though this was a regular activity.
I love Angie almost as much as she loves Gelato :)
love, from Ben
Name: Ben Robinson
Has known Angie for: 22 years, 4 months, and 25 days
Met her: Never met her - she's always been a part of who I am
I remember:
Her taking me to my first high school basketball game. I still remember #5 was really good.
Her coaching my soccer team and making me embarrassed while doing the "butterfly stretch."
Driving to Utah with her and memorizing the Blues Travelers' "Hook."
When I was going to the hospital yet again (approx. age 9) for an infection and she gave me a lucky marble, which I still have. It got me through the night.
Begging her for the GOOD leotard before Pat got it again.
Driving with the family to drop her off at college and thinking how long a person could possibly cry for.
When she helped move me in at BYU, trying to find where my class in the SLCE building was (it ended up being in Salt Lake if you're curious).
Most of all I remember always knowing that she would be there for me no matter what.
love, from Emily
Name: Emily, Angie’s sister
I remember that I wanted to be Angie from the moment I realized I wasn’t her. And now that we are older and we simply talk every day I still endeavor to be like her in so many ways: her strength, her patience, her wisdom, her joys, her excitements, her love, her intuition, her leadership, her comfort in herself, her creativity, her passion, her beauty.
I remember that when something fabulous happens in my life I call Angie. When something heartbreaking happens, I call Angie. When I don’t know how to spell a word, I call Angie. When I feel anxious and don’t know why, I call Angie. I remember that anytime we say our goodbyes I am brave and then I cry and cry and cry.
I remember Angie is always our ringleader--Double Dare in the backyard, our black berry adventures, playing mansion in the backyard where we have to drive from room to room. Waffelblock sculptures including the car in our front room. All Mother’s Day /Fathers Day breakfasts in bed. (Even ABC’s of wedding?) And as we have gotten older we all automatically turn to our Ang. Are we going to have fun at the beach? Are we going to the farmer's market? I remember that everything is better if Angie is around.
I remember singing for hours to “See me run . . . running around in circles . . .” Evita, “Another Suitcase on Another Hall” Les Miserable, “On My Own” (mostly sitting on the theater).
I remember putting on shows--Shows on the fireplace, shows on the swing set, and shows on the front grass. We needed boys to dip us and spin us, so we convinced Ben and Pat to put on leotards and join in. (From then on out, Ben was appointed Angie’s, Pat mine.)
I remember Angie loves shoes. One of her first favorites were those red rainbowish fabric striped ones.
I remember Angie went through a stage her freshman year of college were she had recurring dreams about Britney Spears.
I remember that Angie ate cheese sandwiches for an entire year until she moved to New York. I remember that Angie makes cookies almost every day, this might be the best thing about her.
I remember that Lynette and I threw Angie a surprise baby shower and I was in charge of the food. I told Angie about the shower. One thing led to another, and she made all the food for her own surprise baby shower. (The one thing leading to another was me asking) Amongst other things she made her chicken salad, and a divine cranberry salad that everyone raved about. When people kept telling me what an amazing cook I was, and they needed the recipe, we exchanged hidden smiles and I went along with it all.
I remember watching Angie drive up to my house with two Gerbera daisies and a note on one of my saddest days. Her encouragement is constant.
I remember sitting down often with Angie for help. To map out my life, math, boys, where to live, how much butter, what kind of butter--salted or unsalted?
I remember that I never laugh like I do with Angie. Her laugh is contagious.
I remember Angie loves the Gospel, and shares her love often. Her love shines from her in all she says and does. I remember the first person I call after every session of General Conference is Angie.
I remember Angie goes to bed thinking about how she can be a better mom. Thinking about what she can do with her James and her Chase tomorrow. I remember Angie learned with James at a young age that if she went into his room and saw him standing in his crib and said, “Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!” Her tone so excited and so cheerful, then the entire day was brighter. The tradition has not stopped.
October 9, 2007
love, from Laurel
Name: Laurel
Met Angie: 4 years ago when she moved to NYC
I remember the first time Angie had us over for dinner. She made a roast and mashed potatoes. It felt like home.
I remember being able to call Angie on any lazy afternoon and she would let us come play in her apartment. She'd bring out boxes of toys and we'd just talk and laugh for hours.
I remember Angie's advice, tips, truths.
I remember finding out that, like me, Angie likes to look over a restaurant's menu before agreeing to eat there.
I remember yummy treats, cookies, soups, casseroles, breads...always something baking away in her kitchen! I was lucky to be sent home with these tasty things often.
I remember listening to Angie tell stories to James and Chase on long walks around the city. I remember thinking that I could never come up with such imaginative tales!
I remember being with Angie during one of her most sad and difficult moments and hearing her thank her Heavenly Father for the joys in her life and for her friends. What an amazing example.
I remember that Angie is someone who wants to see Step Up in the theater with you and get together weekly for So You Think You Can Dance. She will laugh and cry and obsess over Travis and Allison, too.
I remember spending the most fun day with her in her hometown in California.I remember that Angie worries and cares about other people, so much more than herself.
love, from Abbie
Name: Abbie Robinson
Known Angie for: 20 years
I remember getting the cutest letters from my older sister at college and feeling like she really cared about me. She always knows how to make you feel loved.
I remember her wise words in times of need.
I remember the constant support she has shown.
I remember Angie's long hair in high school just praying that I could grow mine as long and beautiful one day.
I remember following in her footsteps along so many paths of life.
I remember hiking in Hawaii when Angie had Chase on her back and thinking that one day I want to be a mom like her.
I remember always needing her approval because she is the end-all be-all to a little sister.
I remember getting in bickering fights about who was right over trivial things, then always laughing at the end.
I remember that Angie is the best liar in the world when you play mafia, it almost makes me a little nervous.
She contributed the needed enthusiasm whenever we would play family games, she always came up with the cleverest answers.
I remember visiting her at her different apartments and being wowed that she could make such a small place so beautiful.
I remember Angie making mixed tapes with such timeless music! Man, Garth Brooks was cool!
love, from Marci
Name: Marci Kiehl
Has known Angie for: a little over 2 years.
Met her: my first Sunday at church as I helped my kids find their new classes in Primary. It was in July when everyone was out of town, there were no children and no teachers, and Angie was a one-woman show! I guess that could be an "I remember sentence!"
I remember when Angie and Rebecca took me to the NJ Target for the first time and Angie taught me about "NO TOUCH elevators. We have adopted that phrase in our family and think of Angie every time we say it.
I remember when Angie and I went to the US Open to drool over the cute tennis players. She was in heaven watching her man "Hewitt" play. Those boys have muscles! I remember how we had to stop chatting and giggling because tennis is a "quiet" sport. I will always remember the kindness, selflessness, and love that Angie has for all of her friends
October 8, 2007
love, from Mom
Angela - of the big, beautiful eyes, full of wisdom almost from birth, has always been my sunshine. Once when she was just past a newborn, I had a horrible experience and sat sobbing in despair as I rocked her. Gradually I noticed her cooing with great earnestness in my direction. At first I was somewhat stunned because she had never cooed before and she had never been able to focus her eyes this long at any one object. Her eyes, never parting from mine, penetrated to my soul, and peace filled my emptiness as she continued to softly coo. Was it possible that a newborn could actually be comforting her mother? Her eyes had the wisdom of years greater than this earth life, and I felt as if I was holding my superior in age and wisdom, but just in the guise of a baby. Never again in her babyhood did anything of this kind reoccur, but it didn't matter, for I had seen this beautiful girl's eternal soul and I knew I had been granted the gift of raising her to adulthood when she would shed her warmth and wisdom on many as needy as I.
October 7, 2007
love, from Mackenzie
Name: Mackenzie Brasher
Has known Angie since: I moved to NYC 5 years ago
Met her: at church
I remember when I first met Angie and she was the kindest person I had ever met. She was smiling (of course!) and took the time to make me feel welcome in a new place.
I also remember a time that I needed advice on my son's crazy sleeping and I sent her an email because I had heard that she was "the" person to ask about kid stuff. Instead of writing me back a short email, she called me and talked to me for almost
an hour about it. It was just what I needed.
I remember the first time I went to her apartment and displayed on the outside of her front door were the art projects that James had created that week. And I also
remember one of the first times I saw her interact with James (before Chase was born). She talked to him like a person (unlike how I see so many people in the city talk to their children) and it definitely inspired me to be a kinder, gentler, more patient and more loving mother.
October 6, 2007
love, from Ann
Has known Angie: 9 years
I remember Angie dressing up as Ginger spice for Halloween one year and turning her whole face, neck, arms and hands pink by the end of the night.
I remember having a pinata for her 22nd birthday.
I remember laughing with Angie...a lot!
I remember having long talks on her big bed and sometimes 'sleeping over.'
I remember being an 'old married couple' with Angie twice. Once in Provo: we'd give each other rides to and from campus (which was about 4 blocks away); we'd call each other from my upstairs room to her basement room using walkie talkies to say 'goodnight.' And again in California: car pooling her brothers and sisters to and from school and other errands.
I remember riding horses in Wyoming and Angie was 'being big' so the horses would be afraid of her and head to the corral.
I remember hiding chocolate chips all over the kitchen.
I remember mischief...lots and lots of mischief.
I remember driving over an hour to a wedding on empty stomachs only to be greeted with ...water. And while driving to and from the wedding, learning to sing parts to Aladdin's' "A Whole New World."
I remember lots of road trips: Las Vegas-several times; LA; Yosemite.
I remember 'saving' jelly fish at Half Moon Bay-only to have the poor things ripped in half by the sticks we were using to fling them back into the ocean because we were too scared to touch them.
love, from Jamie
Name: Jamie Anderson Calder
Has known Angie for: 9 years
Met her: at the Rose House, Provo, UT
I remember the infamous Rose House Girls magnificently transformed themselves into the Spice Girls one year for Halloween. Before I even saw them, I was certain Angie was Baby Spice. So perfect, so adorable, so likeable.
I remember the details of a pull-up contest at the Robinson home one summer. And my sister feeling like she was truly at home, away from home.
I remember a familiar face and beaming smile at the subway exit by Columbia University. So happy I didn't have to find the place and walk into the reading on my own.
I remember a friend so thrilled and excited for me to move downtown. I was excited too. Finally, I'd have the chance to steal my sister's friend (like all Andersons do) and call her my own. I remember shedding a tear when she wasn't there, and thinking 'how will I survive downtown without Angie?' I still like to call her my friend even though I didn't have the chance to make her my own.
love, from Jesse
Name: Jesse Boyett Anderson
Has known Angie: for one year
Met her: because my daughter loves her Chase and her James
Angie introduced me to frozen custard, back-yard Quidditch, and the joy of rain boots. A few months after we met she handed me a bright red note with white polka dots on it. I thought it would be an invitation. It was something better-a note of friendship.
Because of Angie I have visited the pirate's cove playground at Shoreline park, built a fort for my daughter while she was sleeping, and started a blog. I also try to think of one fun thing to do with my daughter tomorrow as I fall asleep at night.
Angie and I hid out in the playground during a church function. I was so happy to have a friend who understood my sense of awkwardness in large groups.
Angie let me in, and the inside of Angie is beautiful.
love, from Whitney
I remember when I first moved into the Rose House and Angie Robinson is the first person I met. She was very gracious and kind as I peppered her with questions about the living situation we were both getting into. Poor girl! She had no idea why the former occupant of my new room had decided not to move out during the Christmas break, but she never told me she was as clueless as I was because she could tell I was confused and uncertain and so she was just sweet and listened to me. And then we became Basement Babes with Emily Berg and I enjoyed the last years in Provo more than I ever imagined.
I remember when Angie and I planned Thanksgiving Dinner one year. Angie was amazing! Her floating cranberries and candles were beautiful centerpieces. And she made individual place cards out of apples and gold wire for each person in attendance. And of course, every dish she made was fabulous.
I remember thinking so many times that Angie is one of the most amazing mothers I have ever observed, or had the honor of spending an afternoon with. She thinks of the most intelligent and compelling reasons to correct behaviour, and inspire good works and love in her children.
I remember sitting with Angie and James one afternoon on their traffic carpet, and we cut out cardboard pieces and used markers to draw the subway cars, with James directing the operations and making sure we remembered that the 6 train runs north from Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall to Pelham Bay Park.
I remember eating beautiful petite polka-dotted cakes and drinking Fizzy Lizzy soda with Angie, E. Berg and Lane at Polka Dot Cake Studio for Angie's birthday one year. Although my favorite bakery closed last summer, I still remember that Angie is one of my favorite friends who I can count on to always want to seek out and share a treat with me, and never fret over a silly thing like a calorie, or too many treats before dinnertime.
I remember when Angie remembered my birthday one year and no one else did. She called to plan ahead. I will never forget this.
I remember that Angie has one of the best and happiest laughs of all of my friends. I remember walking across the Brooklyn Bridge with her one afternoon and thinking, "this is the darling, happy friend I will always remember."
October 4, 2007
love, from Dad
Have known Angela: since pre-birth (afterall the first born is all-consuming from the first showing)
love, from Ashley
Name: Ashley Walker
How long you've know Angie: 9 years via Lane
Met her: through Lane's letters to me while I was on my mission
I remember leaving on my mission and praying my family would be looked after. Lane moved into the Rose House with Angie. I remember hearing stories about the "Spice Girls" Halloween, magical feats in toilet papering, mafia games galore, Jimmy hairs on every continent, chin-up contests, dancing in the Robinson's kitchen, and endless fun and laughter with new found friends.
The only time I have seen Angie out of sorts is after babysitting Miss Famous as a puppy. The dog had more energy than ten toddlers on a sugar high so who can blame you?!
The Robinsons are full of life and love. Angie got an extra dose. You were an answer to my prayers and mine are now with you.
October 3, 2007
love, from Cori
Name: Cori Fugal
Has known Angie for: 4 years
Met her: in NYC
I remember sitting at your table enjoying chicken fajitas; thanks for inviting us to dinner.
I remember strolling with our kids through Chinatown on the way to music class.You, twirling James around and around, not being afraid to get down and dance with him. Thanks for helping me remember what’s important; have fun with your kids before it’s too late.
I remember you holding on your lap a difficult child in Primary whose mom was newly baptized so he would stay in class and she could go to class. BTW…I just saw her the other day she is active in church.I remember being invited to a shower for a mutual friend. I had a hectic week and postponed getting a gift. The morning of the shower I stopped at Duane Reade for diapers. I remember finding out you did the same thing that morning. You became real to me that day.
I remember you found a new little park just built along the Promenade. You were so excited because it had water for the kids and seats in the SHADE for us. You always appreciated the little things in life and help others to do the same.I remember you seeking out those people who were a little blue, needed a friend, or just someone to sit with. You have always been a friend to everyone never wanting in return.
I remember one day James pushed a child smaller than him at a small mom gathering. All eyes were on you. You stayed cool, disciplined him, then showed an outpouring of love. You have amazing kids, not by chance.I remember seeing you on the ground playing, really playing with not only your children but everyone else’s too. You were in your element. No wonder we all go to Miss Angie for advice.
Do you have an "I remember" about Angie? Email laneanderson@gmail.com.
Photos, images, videos welcome too!
love, from Holly
Name: Holly Hancey
Has known Angie: for a very short time, when she was Primary President in the US1st ward
Met her: in NYC
I actually don't know Angie very well- or rather- she does not know me very well. I remember when she called me to be the Nursery Singing Time Leader. I was so nervous about the calling since I imagined myself singing a solo in front of fifteen 2 year olds. My first Sunday at it I was pretty shaky and I know the kids thought I was not only crazy but pretty bad at singing.
Angie came in to show me how it was done. She knelt down on the floor and proceeded to animate her way through "Goin On a Lion Hunt". The spirit poured out of her and the children were just drawn to her. I watched in amazement and thought to myself "Yes, I can do this. Holly you must BE Angie. Fake it till you make it."
So for months I pretended like I wasn't embarrassed and before I knew it I think I was having more fun down on the floor with all those nursery children singing our silly songs. I am not in that calling anymore but I still have a special love for those nursery children- a love that Angie taught me through "Goin on a Lion Hunt" so effortlessly and so sweetly. Thank you Angie!
love, from Leslie
Met Angie: In Provo, but became fast friends at London Study Abroad in Spring of 1998.


love, from Katie
Name: Katie (Brown) DuRocher
Has known Angie for: 9 years
Met her: In Provo, Utah
I remember near-death adventures with Angie…
I remember learning to roller blade with Angie. She was so patient as I was so awful. I remember making a long journey to the Stanford Mall from her house and nearly getting hit by the train. Crossing train tracks on roller blades when the warning signal is sounding is not the best of ideas.
I remember missing our friend E. Berg so much that we caked our faces with flour to make them white, dressed in all black, and took pictures at the Berg Mortuary, in order to make a picture book as a gift for E. Berg when she got home from a road trip.
I remember many Sunday dinners with Angie in Provo, only to be followed up by hours of fun playing the card game “pooh head.” Great company, delicious food, and fun games – it was perfect.
I remember Angie always being her friend’s and family’s biggest fan. She makes everyone feel like they can do anything and overlooks all of their shortcomings. I remember her telling me that her mom always recognized her grades when she was little and telling how smart she was and how proud of her she was… only to find out later that her grades weren’t as stellar as she thought. This trait was definitely passed onto Angie. I remember thinking of this story as I watched her boys show off some of their “stellar” gymnastics skills. As far as they were concerned, they were on their way to winning the gold, because of their mom’s encouragement.
I remember rockin’ out to songs in the car with Angie. She always makes me feel not so self conscience about my imperfections, especially my not quite in-tune singing voice.
I remember Angie taught me how to make caramelized almonds.
I remember starting “frequent fitness” with Angie, it was our plan to get into shape. Setting a goal and working towards it is always tough. But with Angie as your partner, even running around the same track day in and day out can be fun.
love, from Lisa
Name: Lisa Marion
Known Angie for: 4 years this month
Met her: in NYC
I remember every moment with Angie is a teaching moment. Waiting in line turned into an opportunity for a mini preschool. Find the letter A on this receipt. Count how many people we see wearing rain boots, sing a little song, etc.
I remember Angie had cute little sayings like same, same and use your words.
I remember play dates, and play dates, and play dates. James and Isaac would play wonderfully, and Lucas ADORED Ang. I remember the wonderful conversations we would have. I would usually leave thinking and challenging myself to do this better, or try that because of something Angie said.
I remember meeting Angie at a Halloween party at 25 Broad and James in an adorable elephant costume with big beautiful eyes. She was so easy to befriend.
I remember Angie making motherhood look beautiful and easy. The way she set up her apartment, James’ room, and especially the kitchen made her home so inviting.
I remember the way Angie made me feel when I would talk to her about problems. Somehow she made me feel better, maybe by highlighting my good traits in our conversation and sneaking in subtle compliments. She is an optimist and it is nearly impossible not to feel good after getting off the phone with her.
I remember wanting to spend time with her and her family. We always enjoyed them.
I remember cutting/coloring her hair. It was always easy to make it look nice.
Something that is particularly easy to remember is Angie’s graciousness.
love, from Lys-An
Name: Lys-An Record
Has known Angie for: about 1 year
Met her: at church, in nursery, waiting for our little boys to grow
out of the "I'm afraid of Mom to leave" stage
I remember when we went to the movies. It was the first time I'd been to a movie with just girls in a LONG time and it felt so good.
I remember, after first meeting Angie, thinking how impressively
outward focused she is. She is one of those people I want to be,
always looking for ways to fill the needs of others in such a casual,
loving way. Selflessness if a true part of her character.
I remember going to her sister's wedding reception in the Annex and
being stunned. It was incredible. From the funny place cards that
made me laugh, to the delicious food, to the little jars of color
coordinated candy, to the beautiful lanterns hanging from the
ceiling...every detail was thought of. This girl had creativity
coming out her pores.
I remember riding the train to the park about two weeks after I had my second baby. All I remember is that lady telling me I had to fold up my stroller and not being able to remember how to fold it up.
I remember the taco salad she brought after Kate was born. I'm still
trying to recreate it.
I remember her earnestly insisting that I add her to my emergency
people to call when the baby comes list.
love, from Lynette
Name:Lynette Beckstrom
Known Angie for: 7 years
Met her: during a New Member Meeting in our ward in
I remember Angie has a way of saying, "Uuummmm" in a
humming/musical way. It's so adorable and infectious!
I started doing it too.
I remember Angie living with me for about a week while
she was waiting on her new apartment to become
available. She vacuumed my apartment every day for me,
which means she really knows me and loves me. It was
fun coming home to Angie.
I remember Angie's love for Tillamook Cheese. I'm not
sure I love it as much as she does, but I buy it
because it reminds me of her.
I remember Angie shared my love for Pop Music and Teen
I remember stealing Angie's style. From her clothes to
how she decorates, everything about her is so
I remember my first Thanksgiving away from my family I
spent with Angie. She used her China and made it
really special. It eased the pain.
I remember hunting down Reef Sandals with her in the
University Mall. She bought red ones with white polka
dots (I wanted to copy her!)
I remember Angie being the glimmer of light when I was
in a dark place. She has a calming way of making
everything seem alright.
I remember Angie came to me once when she was having a
problem and I felt honored.
I remember being in Nursery with her and singing and
dancing around. She knew all the neatest songs.
I remember getting the best new mom advice from Angie.
She IS the most amazing mother/friend/person I know.
love, from Hannah
Name: Hannah
October 2, 2007
love, from Katianne


love, from Dede
Name: Dede Plummer
Met Angie in: NYC at church
These are my memories:
1. Her oldest son and my youngest are the same age. My son did EVERYTHING late (walking, talking, etc.) and her son is a genius. She always said the right thing about how my son would be just fine (she was right) and never made me feel awkward about playdates when her son was so much more advanced than mine.
2. I was going through a rough time for a while wondering where my brain was and where had I lost it (very common among parents of young children). I remember having a great conversation with her about ways to keep our minds active. And then she got me to read Ayn Rand which I had always avoided...and boy did that wake my brain up.
2a. She always recommends the best books. Whenever I am in need of a good book recommendation I email Angie.
3. I remember her being very supportive when I chopped my hair off and went blond (Thanks to Lisa Marion the hairdresser).
4. When I moved I wrote her a long letter about how much her friendship meant to me. I feel bad because I don't think I ever sent it.
love, from Mindy
Name: Mindy Nielson
Has known Angie for: 20 years
Met her: in primary when my family moved to Menlo Park
I remember when we snuck out of our Young Women’s activities to sing silly Spanish songs into the microphone in the Primary room.
When we took a road trip after high school graduation and pierced our ears and dyed our hair.
When we’d blast music in our dorm rooms, singing into microphone pencils.
When our kids became friends, experiencing the same joy we felt, just being silly together.
Do you have an "I remember" for Angie? You can also include a photo! email laneanderson@gmail.com
love, from Becca
Name: Becca Mattoni
Has known Angie for: 2.5 years
Met her: in NYC where she was my visiting teacher
I remember hearing Angie laugh for the first time. It was infectious!
I remember thinking, does Angie ever not smile? What a pretty one it is.
love, from Christa
Name: Christa Reid
Has known Angie for: 4 years
Met her: in New York City
I remember going to Angie’s apartment for an amazing meal! She is such a great hostess and chef.
I remember being at Angie’s one afternoon visiting together. James woke up from a nap and she had toys set up for him in the window sill to play with; all sorts of things for creative and imaginative play. She is one of the most wonderful mothers I know.
love, from Kyndra
Name: Kyndra Peterson
Has known Angie: Since October or November 2003, or whenever she moved to NYC
Met her: in NYC
I remember chocolate when I remember Angie. We both love it and tried gourmet varieties together--and without her how would I have known about Marie Belle??
I remember three Thanksgivings dinners ago together with Angie. I always think of Angie now when I make my stuffing since she appreciates it more than anyone I know, and that makes me feel special! I made it for her after she had Chase. It wasn't Thanksgiving then, but it was a good excuse to make it.
I remember that Angie's homemade sweets she brought to picnics or parties were always highly anticipated and never failed to inspire. She also makes amazing chicken salad.
I remember Angie being the first person any of us go to for motherhood advice. She's the best and the most educated on the subject.
I remember feeling lucky to spend time with Angie, because everyone wants to be her friend, but if she chose to hang out with me, I felt lucky.
October 1, 2007
Guest-blogging: Show and Tell
You know how it's really fun to meet someone's family?
Like, if you meet someone's father or sister it gives you context that allows you to see that person differently, sort of in 3-D, instead of just in the time or place or plane you have known them. I had this roommate who I lived with for over a year when her old friend came to visit and talked about when she used to be blonde. Blonde! She was such a red-head. I had only known her as a read-head. She practically had a red-head soul. It didn't seem possible that she had been running around leading a blonde life I just couldn't picture. There's a tell-me-a secret satisfaction in getting to hear about a friend through someone else's stories.
When Angie agreed to let me guest-blog for a couple days, I thought about many people from different times and places in Angie's life who come together here to take in her wisdom and refreshing take on life. I thought it might be interesting to get to know our author through the eyes of people who have known her for a few weeks or since she was in kindergarten. It's kind of like getting to listen-in on her oldest and newest friends, or staying up late at a sleepover party telling stories. "Remember the time you..."
Besides, it is good sometimes to be reminded of the impressions and impact we have on other people, even when our own personal power seems small.
Here are some impressions, memories, moments of one of my favorite people.
Name: Lane Anderson
Has known Angie for: 9 years
Met her: In Provo, Utah
I remember the first thing that struck me about Angie was her long hair, which fell just like the hair in shampoo commercials. She was always warning people not to get their hair "slithered." Apparently, this was a bad cutting technique that had been used at one time on her beautiful hair.
I remember one time while I was breaking up with a boyfriend over the phone, Angie slipped a Reese's peanut butter cup under my door.
I remember Angie does a dance combination that starts with her back to the audience and one knee popped, with some increasingly frenetic jazz-hand moves, culminating in a sudden turn toward the audience into some mean jazz-squares.
I remember "Sales Talk Angela." Angie had a real job, not like the rest of our crap college jobs, and hers required her own phone line and a fax machine (fax machine!) installed in our basement. I remember when she answered that phone she was all-business.
I remember after college when "Sales Talk Angela" used her professionalism to get us out of trouble with cops who caught us toilet-papering. This was despite the fact she was driving a 10-passenger van full of people wearing black clothes and various costume wigs.
I remember Angie is competitive but never mean, which makes her fun at games or playing tricks on people.
I remember Angie didn't like the same girl I didn't like once. I remember liking that even though she seemed perfect, she was capable of not liking some people.
I remember when I had nightmares I would go downstairs and sleep in Angie's room on the extra bed. She didn't care, even if I woke her up.
I remember I moved to California and fell in love with it and stayed there, all because one summer Angie insisted I come live with her family.
I remember meeting Angie's mom and picturing her as the sun of wisdom that radiated onto Angie's planet. I remember knowing I would never absorb it myself, their wisdom was the kind of gift that's passed-down or pre-destined, like clairvoyance.
I remember Angie's mom and dad dancing in the living room together after dinner, and hoping desperately that someday I would be in love like that.
I remember Angie often saying, "But how are you doing? How is Lane doing?"; trying to get a real response. She has no use for superficial chatter.
I remember Angie always knows the correct response to a tearful or tender moment. She seems to think not in what she should say, but what she should do--put an arm around, cry with you, laugh with you--her gift is in the small, intimate gestures that allow people to feel.
I remember Angie applying SPF 45 sunblock and later asking, "Did I get a tan?" She didn't. We teased her and called her SPF 45 "tan enhancer." I remember the last time I saw Angie her skin still looked as young as it did nine years ago.
I remember Angie is afraid of animals.
I remember staying with Angie in New York when I was thinking about going to grad school there and I was so scared to move. I remember eating peanut butter spread and apples. I remember watching a movie with her while James napped. I remember finding MarieBelle together. I remember I thought I could live in the city if Angie was there.
I remember Angie loved Zora Neale Hurston so much that she resented other people who said they loved her, but didn't really seem to get her.
I remember thinking my children would be better off if Angie raised them, and I don't even have any children.
I remember the first time I felt really, really rip-my hair-out, turn-off-the-lights-and-wait-to-die desperate and confused, the first person I thought to call, after my mom, was Angie.
I remember Angie had a green fabric-covered headband with little frog-eyes that stuck out on top of it. It looked like part of a frog costume, but she wore it around the house and while she was getting ready for bed. I made fun of it, but it was really comfortable, and after a while I started wearing it, too. Sometimes I would forget and leave the house wearing it and people at the bank or drive-up or wherever would smile like I was playing a joke on them, and then I would remember the frog eyes.
I remember Angie gave me the frog eyes to keep. They are sitting in my bathroom right now. Just last week I was in a bad mood about something, and my husband put them on to cheer me up. It worked.
Do you have an "I remember" about Angie? Email me at laneanderson@gmail.com
Speaking of Friends...
I met Lane a week after we had moved in as college roommates. It took a week because she was so busy editing and living...but a night of mischief sealed the deal. I consider her a dear friend; one I would gladly help get through many a night of scary noises. A friend whose writing excites me. A friend who froze and wore sweatshirts for a year, getting used to the Bay Area weather. A friend who left Columbia classes and mentees to watch James when I was having early labor pains. A friend who loves pastries, my family, and me. A friend who is going to guest blog - because I feel spent.